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We've updated our email subscription settings

We recommend you review your email settings to make sure you only get the emails you want to receive from us.
Changes to email subscription settings
Hey Baju Korporat,

We've recently updated our email subscription options. This means email lists that you were previously subscribed to may have been changed, renamed, or combined with other lists.

These changes are in an effort to improve your experience and make it easier to manage which emails you're subscribed to.
Review your email settings
What's changed?
  • Some lists have been renamed or updated to better describe the content they'll include.
  • Our app updates and Zapier updates were combined into a single subscription, called Product Updates. If subscribed, you'll now receive updates to apps and integrations as well as Zapier updates, like new features and announcements.
  • Our blog emails and monthly newsletter were combined into a single subscription.
If you were unsubscribed from our Product Updates or the Zapier Blog lists, we'll continue to respect your preferences and you will remain unsubscribed from the new lists.
No action required: There is nothing you need to do but we recommend reviewing and updating your email subscription settings so you only get the emails you want to receive from us.

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